
Frequently Asked Questions

You'd like to get started and you have a few questions

You’re in the right place. 

Here’s a sample of the most frequent questions we get. 

Don’t see you question listed? 

Get In Touch

Just make contact… any way you choose. There’s no fee, obligation or expectation. Bringing community spaces to life is what we do. We’re happy to help and can start with a simple phone conversation or email. 

Nothing. Designs are free and customized to your site and specific needs.   

Once you’re all ready to go, we’ll just need executed purchasing documents and we’ll take it from there. 

Typically, from the moment your order is placed, equipment delivers in 4 – 6 weeks. Installation will begin immediately. 

Yes, you do. Any kind of commercial play equipment should have an appropriate, compliant, certified safety surface to provide adequate protection to users. Your personal territory manager can walk you through various options and advise on compliance and cost.

Most “grants” offered by a manufacturer are deceptive marketing. We don’t participate in this practice as it violates one of our core company commitments of always providing an honest proposal at a fair price. 

That said, grants offered by a third party are crucial to many projects. We keep a list of legitimate sources and would be happy to guide you along. 

Any legitimate grant won’t limit who the project is sourced from. If you can’t buy any manufacturer’s equipment you’d like, it’s not a legitimate grant process. 

Great Southern Rec builds hundreds of playgrounds and splash pads each year. Get in touch and we’d be happy to connect you with an existing client or meet you on site.  

The useful lifespan of any commercial playground will be most impacted by UV exposure, level of use and quality maintenance. We’d be happy to share our Best Practices Guide for maximizing the legacy of your new playground or splash pad. 

Our exclusive manufacturers offer industry-leading warranties. Further, make sure to ask about Great Southern’s exclusive Legacy Life Installation Services to see how we stick with you well after your project is completed.  

Yes. We’re happy to share information on compliant designs and decades of statistics to give you confidence your users are safe.  

Yes. Colors are always fully customizable.